Friday, December 4, 2009

When is a Mile NOT a Mile ?

When you assume that your stride is the same length as the standard calibration on the Nike+.

After running on two different treadmills this week, it looks like my stride is about 20% shorter than the pre-calibrated length on the Nike+. So, a "real" run of 2.5 miles has shown up on my Nike+ log as 3.16 or 3.2 (depending on the treadmill).
So, all my runs have been significantly shorter, and I am significantly slower than I thought I was. My 11:30 pace is really a 15-minute mile. The 6 mile run was really a 4.74 mile run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww.... Don't feel bad.....You still RAN. And at least your running time is accurate !