Thursday, April 28, 2011

Broad Street Run - 2011 --- in 3 days

Still planning to run the Broad Street Run on Sunday (today is Thursday); unless it's tremendously HOT or pouring. I'm not even sure rain would be a deterrent. It's the one day in the year when anyone can run down Broad Street, through North Philadelphia to the Navy Yard....10 miles mostly flat.
The farthest I've run: 8.5 miles. Someone told me that the last 4 miles (after City Hall) is downhill (very very very slight slope). I estimate that it will take about an hour just for my corral (pink) to get to the START line... there are 10 groups this year.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

How far is 880 miles ?

According to my Nike+, i've run 880 miles. Since the Nike+ stops working when it's around 25 degrees (F) outside, and also seems to stop at other weird times, and the batter has died, i've actually run farther than 880 miles.
This is what 880 miles from home looks like - I'm in Bermuda !!! I'm above Labrador ! I'm in Florida !! How cool !

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Decisions..... Decisions......

Most of the cabinets have been installed; the countertop is mostly in; waiting for the backsplash; the applicances have been installed, but not tested.
purple-grey ?
Red ??
Light Purple ?