Friday, September 28, 2007

Buy & Give 1 Laptop Per Child (OLPC) - Nov. 2007

For one week, starting Nov. 12, 2007, people will be able to buy 2 of the laptops in the 1 Laptop Per Child project - you keep one and donate the other. (See my blog for March 26, 2007 about the project).

You can sign up now: for a reminder. The price will be about $200 for each, which is $100 per laptop more than the original price.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Bicycles at Drive-thru Windows

Yesterday, a Chick-Fil-A store (on Columbus Blvd. in Philadelphia) refused to serve me because I was on a bicycle at the drive-thru window (no bike rack anywhere). Their bogus and insane logic was: if you're hit by a car, you'll sue us. Each Chick-Fil-A store is a franchise, but I've written to their corporate office, and hope to get some sort of an answer. I don't even LIKE their food, but I'm now boycotting their stores on principle.

I'm also conducting a small survey of places that have drive-thru windows to see how many refuse service to people on bicycles. I'll post the results here.

Also - McDonalds does serve people on bicycles - you just have to bypass the intercom - the bikes don't weigh enough to trigger the mechanism, so they don't hear you. However, McDonald's policy is to accomodate people with hearing problems by using the pay window to order and that works for bikes too. I hate McDonald's food too, but at least I know I can get served after riding around for 4 hours in the hot sun.