Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year's resolution.......

Normally a terrible idea, but a maybe a way to get through the little things that pile up and get left behind.
Mine: Clean up my corner of the Internet. Haven't updated the links on my personal web page in 2 years. Need to consolidate so that everything is under the name "Ice Opera".

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The most boring activity in the world is....

Running on a treadmill..........

I've run 126 miles since Nov. 7, when I got my Nike+, and every minute on the treadmill has been unbelievably boring........ This is just a memo, in case I do run the Broad Street Run - so I can remember how awful it was trying to train in cold weather.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow - Dec. 20

23" of snow this morning. View from the sunroom window, before I shoveled a path for the dogs.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Recalibrated !

Recalibrated the Nike+ on the treadmill last night and took it on the road this morning. I've lost a mile in an hour; but I've lost 10 minutes for 4 miles.

Friday, December 4, 2009

When is a Mile NOT a Mile ?

When you assume that your stride is the same length as the standard calibration on the Nike+.

After running on two different treadmills this week, it looks like my stride is about 20% shorter than the pre-calibrated length on the Nike+. So, a "real" run of 2.5 miles has shown up on my Nike+ log as 3.16 or 3.2 (depending on the treadmill).
So, all my runs have been significantly shorter, and I am significantly slower than I thought I was. My 11:30 pace is really a 15-minute mile. The 6 mile run was really a 4.74 mile run.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

6 miles !

Ran six miles today without stopping. Six miles running vs. 33 miles biking (my 'daily distances') - what a difference !