Saturday, September 18, 2010

Current "Time Wasters" aka "FUN"

"What I'm working on now".... which really should be "How I'm having fun now", but somehow, when you grow up, you don't think of it as "having fun" - you think of it as 'projects' or 'work'.

1. RUNNING. I have to think of it as 'learning' to run.... My goal for the 2010 - 2011 running season (Sept to May) is to run the February race in Ambler and the Broad Street Run in May...... Outside of real work (i.e., employment), i'm trying to make running my #1 activity. Now that it's below 70 degrees (F), with almost no humidity, i don't have any excuses.

How I run in the dark - PETZL lamp.

2. Playing Bejeled Blitz. I admit it - i have a serious addiction. I am convinced that if I just play long enough, I'll have an epiphany and I'll understand the intricacies of the game, and I'll be able to rack up 300,000 points every time I play.

3. READING.... always a serious addiction. But now I have the Kindle and the iPOD ( what is better than laying around reading a book or having one read to you ?

BIKING on hold...... Despite the recumbents, i seem to have them badly adjusted. All is well while I'm riding (63 miles last trip), but my hips hurt when i get off.... and hurt for weeks afterwards. Running seems to cure it, I think.

Friday, September 17, 2010

People Over 40 Can't Type with their Thumbs

I am sooooo tired of the perception that people over 40 are technologically incompetent.

Somehow, a myth was started that "people over 40" don't use technology. News flash: I have used computer technology since 1981. I had an Atari hooked up to my black-and-white TV that used to learn Basic. I know why we say "boot up" a computer - because I did an IPL on an IBM 360 every morning for 2 years...

Yes, it's probably true that people in different age brackets don't USE a technology the same way, or to the same extent that others do..... But age isn't an excuse to drag out every time someone has a problem or doesn't know something.....

My latest gizmo (on which I can type with my thumbs).