Sunday, February 17, 2013

2013 Frostbite 5-Miler

Highlights from yesterday's run:
Before running - the traditional 'before' picture.  How is it possible that, the older I get, the more I look like my father ?  Genetics !

At the end of the race.... I think I'm either smiling or singing.....(Once again, Whiter Shade of Pale got me through the run). The official time was 1:05, but that's from the official start... it took 2 minutes for me to cross the START line.  I stopped to tighten my laces, so, at one point, i was the LAST person in the whole run.

This is my coach.... every day, she gets down on my yoga mat with me to make sure I stretch right before I run.....

The mascot penguin....

Even the people pushing strollers came in faster than me.......maybe the kids helped push when I wasn't looking.....

That's the story of the race.... more pictures to come later.