Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Make a Wristband for a Fitbit ONE.

My (dead) Fitbit One in the blue band, next to my new (but useless) Fitbit Flex (orange band).

After losing two Fitbits because they attach to your clothes, and after running or walking, i put my clothes into the washer and dryer... End of Fitbits......

I bought a Flex, which is nice, but doesn't tell the time, stairs, or how far i've walked.... if i walk beyond  my 'target', i have to synch to find out how far I've walked. Useless.  So, i looked for  wristband for the Fitbit One - can't find one.

So, i made one, using a Garmin vivofit replacement band and Sugru, and used a dead Fitbit One as the prototype.

Amazon sells Garmin vivofit replacement bands in sets of 3 (~ $24).

The opening on the band back to hold the vivofit is just a little larger than the Fitbit One:

So, I put the (dead) One into the slot, and molded Sugru to fill the gap.  When you bend the band backwards the One pops in and out.

Not the neatest molding job, but it just has to hold the One snugly.  The Sugru is the darker blue; it doesn't show from the front of the wristband.


Maggie said...

I put my Fitbit One in the washer and dryer too, so thought it was for sure dead, almost threw it away, but instead put it in a baggy in a drawer, with all it's attachments. Well I am so glad I did, because I bought a Flex and did not like it so sent it back and while I was on the website saw a link to the fix in case you wash (and dry) your Fitbit One. I followed the easy instructions...and voila! I have my Fitbit One back! Amazing! Now I am looking for a band for it. Hope you didn't throw away your Fitbit One and can get yours back too! It is as easy as putting it in the charger hooked to your computer, pressing the button until it lights up, then removing it from the charger and pressing the button again. I had to charge mine up because it had been months that it sat in that drawer. But it works perfectly, like nothing ever happened.

BlueMingo said...

Thanks !!! I still have the old one. I'll check into this.

BlueMingo said...

OMG !!!! IT WORKED...... it came back to life - after the washer and the dryer !!!!

BlueMingo said...

Wrap your GOOD Fitbit in Saran Wrap - or other cling wrap - the Sugru won't stick, and yet you can still get a tight fit.